Corporate History
1980 | December | Sugino Kosan Co., Ltd was founded to manage amusement centers. (Sennan City, Osaka: Capital three million yen)
Roller skating rink (with game arcades) opened in Izumiotsu City, Osaka. (Izumiotsu Store's lease period ended in March 1997 and closed its doors.) |
1982 | July | Established bowling lanes (16 lanes) in Izumiotsu Store. (This is the beginning of operating bowling alley.) |
1988 | October | Removed roller skating rink in Izumiotsu Store and added bowling lanes (10 lanes). |
1990 | December | Rented previously used bowling alley in Sakai City, Osaka and opened indoor complex facility with amusement area. (Ishizu Store: Lease period ended in September 2001 and closed doors) |
1993 | March | Current President Masahiko Sugino established former ROUND ONE Corporation in Sakai City, Osaka by himself. (Capital : ten million yen) |
September | Relocated its head office to 3-267-16 Hamaderasuwamorichohigashi Nishi-ku, Sakai City. Sugino Kosan Co., Ltd transferred its business to former ROUND ONE Corporation. |
1994 | August | Sugino Kosan Co., Ltd acquired all shares of former ROUND ONE Corporation (wholly owned subsidiary). |
December | Sugino Kosan Co., Ltd conducted a merger with former ROUND ONE Corporation and changed its trade name from Sugino Kosan Co., Ltd to ROUND ONE Corporation. Started to make an equity participation to Fortune Corporation (Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City) and concluded a franchise agreement. The contract terminated in March 1998. |
1995 | February | Relocated its head office to Portus Center Building (4-45-1, Ebisujima-cho, Sakai-ku, Sakai City, Osaka). |
1997 | June | Concluded franchise agreement with BIGBOWL (Shiroishi-ku, Sapporo City) and its contract terminated in September 2001. |
August | Listed on the second section of the Osaka Securities Exchange. | |
1998 | December | Listed on the second section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. |
1999 | September | Appointed to list on the first section of the Osaka Securities Exchange and the Tokyo Stock Exchange. (Changes from the second section to the first section on the listed market ) |
November | Established Clubnets and Winners Nice Corp. (consolidated subsidiary)
Start building karaoke booth as a new feature of the complex facility. |
2001 | March | Merged with With ltd. which was the largest shareholder at that time. |
2002 | March | Liquidated Clubnets Corporation and sold Winners Nine Corp. |
December | Established Round One U.S.A. CORP. (subsidiary) (Planned to open stores in Hawaii, US.)
Introduced a new concept of "Leisure Stadium" where indoor sporting activities can be enjoyed with a time limit. |
2004 | July | Launched stadium type of stores with Spo-Cha floor. |
2006 | September | Liquidated Round One U.S.A. CORP. (subsidiary) (Canceled the plan to open stores in Hawaii, US.) |
2009 | April | Established Round One Entertainment Inc. (current consolidated subsidiary) |
2010 | August | Opened first overseas store, Puente Hills Store in California, US. |
2019 | January | Relocated its head office to NAMBA SkyO, 5-1-60 Namba, Chuo-ku, Osaka. |
August | Established Round One Rus LLC (current consolidated subsidiary) in Russia. | |
September | Established 朗玩(中国)文化娯楽有限公司 (current consolidated subsidiary) in China.
Regarding Kiddleton, Inc. (current equity method affiliations), we signed joint venture agreement (investment ratio is 50%) with Midas Entertainment (current GENDA Inc. ). |
2020 | December | Opened Russia's first store, Европейский Store in Moscow, Russia.(closed in April 2022) |
2021 | April | Launched online crane game Cre-Cha(the service finished in July 2023) |
May | Opened China's first store, Guangzhou Xintang Aeon Mall Store in Guangdong, China. | |
November | Obtained part of common stock of SK JAPAN Co., LTD. (current equity method affiliations). | |
2022 | April | Because the Tokyo Stock Exchange reviewed market segmentation, our segment changed from the first section of Tokyo Stock Exchange to Prime Market. |
2023 | April | Because of transition to a holding company structure, Round One Japan (wholly owned) was established. |
September | Established Round One Delicious (current consolidated subsidiary).
Transferred shares owned (50% of issued shares) of Kiddleton, Inc to GENDA Inc. and cancelled joint venture agreement. |
2024 | April | Transferred to a holding company structure. With absorption type split of operation business of indoor complex leisure facility, ROUND ONE Corporation succeeded the business. |